4033 Via Valmonte sold for $1.12m in January
You’ve heard me say it before, 2015 was a great year in real estate in Valmonte. Prices were up and the number of sales was the best in nearly 20 years. So with all this great news, how did a move-in ready home with views sell for $1850/foot under the average price? The story gets even more interesting when I add the fact that when I contacted the agent on behalf of my client, he informed me there were multiple offers within the first two weeks of being on the market. Yes it was over the holidays, but how do you sell for $1.12m a 2,367 square foot 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with mountain views and a nicely landscaped backyard, when a similar sized, albeit more updated, home sold less than 3 weeks prior for $1.625m? This just smells fishy. I know I sound like I’m whining, but I have a point. The agent was not a local agent, and the sales price reflects this. I hate to see good people get ripped off. This house should have sold over asking and a lot closer to $1.4 million. So if you are thinking of selling, please, I beg you, interview a local expert before you fall victim to an agent that doesn’t have his/her client’s best interests in mind. Okay, I’m off my soapbox.

View from the second floor balcony looking towards the Hollywood Hills